When you are challenged to write a 250 word fairy tale/fantasy story that includes looking at a map; you dig deep for dark fairy tales from your childhood. (I guess)


When you are challenged to write a 100 word drama story that includes air conditioning; you get creative and throw in some dark humor and innuendo – because why not?


When you are challenged to write a story in 100 words or less in the horror genre, but you’re sitting on the sidelines of a baseball tournament (and you can’t use nightmare baseball dad behavior as a topic); you get VERY creative!

“The Box”

When you are challenged to write a horror story in 100 words or less, incorporating the word, “digital” and the action, “looking at the stars,” you go with what you know and that’s inspiration from your favorite authors, Neil Gaiman and Stephen King.

Closing Time

It had started off innocently enough – as grand schemes gone awry often do… He looked around at the other faces reflecting in the bonfire and then past them and pictured the scene as a stranger happening upon them might see it.