My Ch’i

I will never get the “Ch’i” symbol tattooed on my body (mostly because I know any self-respecting tattoo artist with knowledge of these symbols will switch my “life force” symbol with something that roughly translates to “I want to talk to a manager” and I’ll have no clue).

10 Wishes

Be Tough & Tender. There is a right time for each. The world needs more men who can be both. Be one of those men.

Everybody has a Story

Whenever I hear someone sneer about “spoiled Hollywood types patting themselves on the back – why don’t we celebrate real heroes?” my heart breaks a little bit. Because yes, of course, everyday people should be celebrated but that is what the movies do. They tell our stories. Everybody has a story. They are all worth telling and worth witnessing. I love being that witness.

A Love Letter to Little League

There is nothing more beautifully, complicatedly American than the game of baseball and nothing encompasses this quite like a Little League game.

Et Tu Kidnéy?

Looking for the silver lining, I thought “Hey, I’ve just kicked up my pre-vacation diet a notch by only consuming water and saltines for a week,” but apparently writhing around in pain doesn’t burn off as many calories as you’d think.

Backstreet Boys – Part I: The Backstory

The Backstreet Boys, though (insert sigh, swoon and chef’s kiss) – perfection. I fell instantly and inexorably in love with these adorable young crooners. Now, keep in mind, this was before true cell phones, easily accessible internet or wi-fi, so I couldn’t just punch them up in a Google search. I fell in love with them, sight unseen, story unknown, in this little rundown beach resort on a tiny tropical island, celebrating the romantic beginning of a wonderful life with my husband – and both loves endure to this day.

Saving Bob

“Get a tortoise,” they said. “Easiest pet ever,” they said. “We ignore ours for days at a time. We lost him outside for almost a month,” they chuckled, “All good. So easy. Trust us!” Those no good, dirty, rotten lying liars who lie.

Best White Christmas Ever

I guess my “Best Christmas Ever” is that rare gift that keeps on giving and that I continually endeavor to pay forward in acts of charity, generosity, kindness and love.

Suburban Jungle

I knew I was in trouble when we decided to let our toddler come house hunting with us. We were toying with the Great Urban Dweller Sacrifice also known as “moving to the ‘burbs” because a second baby’s arrival was imminent. Our son took one look at the slushy mid-February backyard of the very first house we toured, complete with tree house and jungle gym, and bumbled gleefully out the back door. He found a stick, held it triumphantly aloft and began exploring, reporting back with excited chatter.


I love all things fall, especially Halloween. This year, It was all really fun, but really exhausting so I paused in early November, right before taking down 3 weeks’ effort worth of decorations, for one bittersweet moment; sad that it’s over, glad that it happened and wishing I’d gotten more photographic proof of it all. But now, I am grumpy.