My 25 Favorite Love Story Movies

First of all, there is only one great love story – it eclipses all others in every way and I will have no discussions otherwise. Knowing that this particular movie is in a whole different universe from the others, there’s really my #1 movie and then the other 25 that I love.

Dare to Care

Jesus led by example; I wish for us to do the same. I wish for us all to be daring enough to care for more than just our own success, our closest neighbors, our tiny space in this world; even when its hard to do…especially when its hard to do.

The Cleanse

The main thing I discovered today is how often I completely unconsciously put food in my mouth.

The other main discovery? Sometimes having your mom on Facebook is a pain in the ass… I mean, do I really have to explain a cleanse to her? Realllllly?!

Closing Time

It had started off innocently enough – as grand schemes gone awry often do… He looked around at the other faces reflecting in the bonfire and then past them and pictured the scene as a stranger happening upon them might see it.