Up, Up & Away Go My Plans

When your travel plans – mundane or exotic – inevitably go awry, how do you pivot? How do you still see the beauty amidst the chaos. For me, some rain, some chance encounters and some Barbie goodies did the trick.


My favorite mug’s cartoon sheep, chained to a wall, yet with hearts for eyes, exclaiming “I Love it Here!” grinned up at me in all of her Stockholm Syndrome glory.

I admonished her, “Don’t you dare start with the whistling!” (Her tune of choice naturally being, “Always look on the bright side of life” from Monty Python.)


Giving yourself permission to build a legacy, one brick (one day) at a time. Embrace each day and build, grow, become.

A Life’s Journey with LEGOS

What if you approach a year in your life like a LEGO tower? Any single day feels unimpressive but add them up and see what your goals look like if you reach for them, a little at a time, day by day. What will you have built?


I don’t want to be 50 years old. I’d been flippantly referring to myself as 50 all last year, lulled into complacency by that secret nugget that I was still “in my 40s.” Turning 50 feels unfair; traitorous, even. Like, in no way did I agree to this. I want to speak to a manager.

My Ch’i

I will never get the “Ch’i” symbol tattooed on my body (mostly because I know any self-respecting tattoo artist with knowledge of these symbols will switch my “life force” symbol with something that roughly translates to “I want to talk to a manager” and I’ll have no clue).

Et Tu Kidnéy?

Looking for the silver lining, I thought “Hey, I’ve just kicked up my pre-vacation diet a notch by only consuming water and saltines for a week,” but apparently writhing around in pain doesn’t burn off as many calories as you’d think.