Everybody has a Story

Whenever I hear someone sneer about “spoiled Hollywood types patting themselves on the back – why don’t we celebrate real heroes?” my heart breaks a little bit. Because yes, of course, everyday people should be celebrated but that is what the movies do. They tell our stories. Everybody has a story. They are all worth telling and worth witnessing. I love being that witness.

Backstreet Boys – Part I: The Backstory

The Backstreet Boys, though (insert sigh, swoon and chef’s kiss) – perfection. I fell instantly and inexorably in love with these adorable young crooners. Now, keep in mind, this was before true cell phones, easily accessible internet or wi-fi, so I couldn’t just punch them up in a Google search. I fell in love with them, sight unseen, story unknown, in this little rundown beach resort on a tiny tropical island, celebrating the romantic beginning of a wonderful life with my husband – and both loves endure to this day.