When you are raising three kids, birth order becomes a real “thing” My boys are all very quick and more than happy to point out when one gets preferential treatment. But they know the answer to the question “Am I your favorite?” is “YES!” – to all of them.


When you are challenged to write a 100 word drama story that includes air conditioning; you get creative and throw in some dark humor and innuendo – because why not?


When you are challenged to write a story in 100 words or less in the horror genre, but you’re sitting on the sidelines of a baseball tournament (and you can’t use nightmare baseball dad behavior as a topic); you get VERY creative!

A Life’s Journey with LEGOS

What if you approach a year in your life like a LEGO tower? Any single day feels unimpressive but add them up and see what your goals look like if you reach for them, a little at a time, day by day. What will you have built?